In August, 968,856 books were sent to children around the world. That brings the total number of books mailed to 81,447,627!
Here is a list of the free books mailed in August 2016 for all countries. This list includes mailing dates.
"The Little Engine That Could"
Written by Watty Piper & Illustrated by George & Doris Hauman
Welcome Book - First book sent to registered children
Australia - “Where is the Green Sheep?” - 8/15/16
Canada - "The Little Engine That Could" - 8/2/16
United Kingdom - "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" - 1/8/16
USA - "The Little Engine That Could" - 8/2/16
“Look Look”
“Look Look” By Peter Linenthal
Group 1 - Registered Children Born in 2016
Australia - “Snuggle & Cuddle: Puppy Pals” - 8/15/16
Canada - “Look Look” - 8/2/16
United Kingdom - “Happy Babies: Bedtime” or “Happy Babies: Teatime - 1/8/16
USA - “Look Look” - 8/12/16
“Good Night, Gorilla”
“Good Night, Gorilla” By Peggy Rathmann
Group 2 - Registered Children Born in 2015
Australia - "Doodledum Dancing" - 8/15/16
Canada - “Good Night, Gorilla” - 8/2/16
United Kingdom - "Whose…Stripes?" - 1/8/16
USA - “Good Night, Gorilla” - 8/11/16
"My No, No, No Day"
"My No, No, No Day" By Rebecca Patterson
Group 3 - Registered Children Born in 2014
Australia - "Slinki Malinki, Early Bird " - 8/15/16
Canada - "My No, No, No Day” - 8/2/16
United Kingdom - "Peppa Goes to the Library" - 1/8/16
USA - "My No, No, No Day" - 8/8/16
“Gingerbread Man Loose on the Firetruck"
“Gingerbread Man Loose on the Firetruck" By Laura Murray & Illustrated by Mike Lowery
Group 4 - Registered Children Born in 2013
Australia - "It’s Bedtime, William!” - 8/15/16
Canada - "Gingerbread Man Loose on the Firetruck" - 8/2/16
United Kingdom - "Peppa Pig: Let's Go Shopping" - 1/8/16
USA - “Gingerbread Man Loose on the Firetruck" - 8/4/16
"Oh No, Gotta Go!"
"Oh No, Gotta Go!" By Susan Middleton Elya & Illustrated by G. Brian Karas
Group 5 - Registered Children Born in 2012
Australia - "Sunday Chutney" - 8/15/16
Canada - "James and the Dancing Dog" - 8/2/16
United Kingdom - “Worried Arthur The Noisy Night” - 1/8/16
USA - "Oh No, Gotta Go!" or “The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush” - 8/1/16
"Hooray, A Piñata!"
"Hooray, A Piñata!" By Elisa Kleven
Group 6 - Registered Children Born in 2011
Australia - "Stanley Paste - 8/15/16
Canada - “Hooray, A Piñata!” - 8/2/16
United Kingdom - “Little Rabbit Lost” - 1/8/16
USA - "Hooray, A Piñata!" - 8/1/16
“Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!” by Nancy Carlson
Graduation Book - Last book children receive when they graduate from the program
Australia - “Starting School” - 8/15/16
Canada - “Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!” - 8/2/16
United Kingdom - "Just Imagine" - 1/8/16
USA - “Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!” - 8/2/16